Радіодиктант національної єдності-2023
Radio dictate of national unity - 2023
#FreePeopleSchool invites you to the Radio Dictation of National Unity-2023! Friends, get your pens and notebooks ready, because we invite you to take part in the largest Ukrainian-language flash mob – the Radio Dictation of National Unity, which will take place on October 27 at 11:00 Kyiv time in Lecture Hall 03, Augasse 2-6, 1090, Vienna. This year we celebrate the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language on October 27, according to a decree of the President of Ukraine. Previously, this holiday was celebrated on November 9. So it’s a good opportunity to honor our language and strengthen national unity! ✍
The author of the radio dictation on national unity 2023 is the well-known Ukrainian poet and translator Kateryna Kalytko.
If you remember, we welcomed Kateryna as a guest last year. The dictation will be read by the talented actor Oleksiy Hnatkovskiy, who impressed us with his role of Ivan Dovbush in the movie Dovbush. Let’s be together in this special moment when we, Ukrainians all over the world, gather around our language and culture.
The radio dictation will be broadcast on Ukrainian Radio and Radio Kultura, as well as live on the Suspilne Kultura TV channel, the Ukrainian Radio YouTube channel and on the Suspilne Facebook pages. Join us to honor our language and make history together! 🇺🇦📖